What’s a book-pod? I’m glad you asked! It’s a short podcast episode about a book. It’s my way to introduce you, the kind soul reading these words, to a book that I enjoyed and want to recommend.
Why are you sending these unsolicited book recommendations my way, Andrew?
As we approach summer, I felt it was my public duty to recommend books for your reading list. Books that I think are perfectly suited to the intelligent, savvy, big-hearted reader that you are. You with your willingness to read old and new things.
And so begins a weekly book recommendation; titles that I hope will entertain and impact you for those moments when you ask yourself, “What should I read next?”
Featured book
Gilead, Marilynne Robinson, Harper Perennial.
This week on the podcast I chat about a book that taught me everything I ever knew and ever could know. A book about grace and who and what we love. And how to my sheer surprise, I discovered that there is more to the story after closing the final perfect page.
Links and notes
Things I Wrote Down - Andrew Kooman’s Substack Newsletter
Unveil, the Newsletter and Podcast by the Kooman Brothers
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